
I seem to have scattered myself around the social media and really ought to focus a bit more. But that’s not likely to happen, so I will use this to act as a jumping off point for various other blogs, to talk about my cultural consumption, my research and research in progress, and to share shorter items. Some of them may get decanted onto the other blogs.

Obviously my main research interest is sf, with a strategic shift across to sf film under way. I am the non-voting chair of judges for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, so for obvious reasons I will avoid writing negatively about books read for that (at least within the forseeable future). Non-mention of such books should not be taken to be an endorsement or a negative.

Mostly, at the moment, I seem to be writing about art exhibitions. It probably shows, but I have no formal training in art or art criticism, and I am teaching myself as I go — thinking out loud. Somewhere along the line this will turn into a project — the art and the fantastic. If anyone wants to give me a gig to discuss this… that may well help. 

My photographs are at Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewmbutler/.This comes in fits and starts.

On the other hand, my Blipfoto is probably the most frequently updated, with a[n almost] daily phone photo.
My 1970s sf blog relating to Solar Flares is at http://flares.wordpress.com/ and was not as posted to as I planned. Writing the book (now in paperback) seemed to take the energy for bloggage, but I will add to it as I come across further 1970s materials.

My blog on beer and drinking is at http://galaxychallenger.wordpress.com/. I’m hoping to come back to this.


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